Toebies, sims style!
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My collection of sim-style Toebies, enjoy!
I apologise if you think you do not look like your sim, but this is what I think you all are like!

Butie, she's a classy gal
Heres our classy blonde, whos in all our thoughts in a stunning black suit-dress with a gold trim, doesn't she look nice! I chose this as Lianne always comes across as very important and swanky.
Kate - what a stunner!
Phwooar, looke at this beast, Kates sporty the latest trendy gear, out for a night on the town, pint in one hand, fag in t'other
Bootiful Toria
Oh, she looks a bit like sharron from eastenders. Very pritty :)
Vince - roar, you sexy beast!
Heres our vincey, looking very oriental, wow, he really is a dish!
Ian, the hunky black sheep
Oh I'd love a piece of this hunk-a-lunk, with his wonderful eye-brow ring, wooo!
Luffly grown-up Dan
*Drools* But hes fitter now, I luff you baby :)
Watch this space
As soon as I find the next appropriate sim, it will be up!