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... More like sites to go to after five seconds of going here...
Yah. Nobody was paying attention to this section so I decided to do something about it. So just... go to these sites when bored or just plain interested in the interests of the TOEbies. Whatever. Enjoy!

The picture above has no relation whatsoever to this site. In fact, I don't even know why that is up there in the first place. O_o

Go here to look for stuff you're more interested in than this site:
Google Fantastic search engine. It's more powerful and accurate than some other search engines. I highly recommend this site to get away from here and look for something else. :P
Lycos One of the most visited hubs on the Internet reaching one out of every two web users.
Yahoo! With over half a million sites divided into more than 25,000 categories, Yahoo! is both browseable and searchable.
InfoSeek GO Network is a new brand that brings together the very best of the Internet in one, easy to use place.

Sites TOEbies go to or have:
Hannah's site It's erm... Hannah's site!
Liz's Young Enterprise site Go here and make her rich dammit! :D
MEGATOKYO Follow the adventures of Piro and Largo as they try to find a way to get home from Tokyo! This is Dale's favourite site since he even dedicated a whole freakin signature on it. It's very funny if you understand what they are sometimes talking about. There's several manga and videogames references here to keep in mind while reading.
Brunching Shuttlecocks Bjork Song... 'nuff said. (I learned of this site from Claire.)
Livejournal A good journal site. Some TOEbies have their journals here. Of course, you'll have to ask them for where they are yourselves... which will be difficult because you'll have no clue who has a journal in the first place anyways. :P (hint: I know a few myself)
Seeing as its a teen site, and many of us are misinformed lol
*weg* Well, Toe is for teens, and many of us are misunderstood.
Mingers! Not for the weak stomach. Photos of very, vrey ugly people. Reminds me of our photo page!
Special FX This is for all you who want to make a nice pretty aol profile. Like mine :) Very simple so anyone can use it.

Last Updated 31.12.01 - Erm... more updates to come as more TOEbies inform me of the sites they want to link here in particular.