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Welcome to my problem page. I, Lianne, am here to help with any err...problems.

I decided to create this problem page, as a lot of lurkers were asking my questions and hoping for advice on certain matters. Not just matters on TOE. Oh, no! I get e-mails for advice on how to write properly and how not to fall into the trap of " shortening your words"!!!
Here are some of the letters I have recieved and my replies to them. Remember-if you are new to TOE and you want to make friends, send me an e-mail and I'll give you tips on how to not p**s everyone off.


Dear Lianne,......
I hve jus strtd cumin on tOe + no1 likes me cuz dey say dat my riting is stpid + hard 2 undrstnd.
but I like riting like dis + Y shd i change jus cuz dey dont like it + shld i care bout wot otha ppl fink? btw ma name iz saz and i am 15. pls hlp me.

Dear Saz,

Well, by the looks of your grammer and "shortening of words" I understand what the other people on TOE mean.It is annoying, stupid and winds people up. Also it makes you look lyke your're really FICK OR SUMFINK! I say stop with your current way of writing and try writing in F***ing english.
It will get you more friends. Trust me.

Dear Lianne,.....

People dont like ma sig...whatcha fink is rong with it?
Here is ma sig:
>Frends r lyk condoms, dey protect u wen things get hard.
from Kimmy-Sue

Dear Kimmy-Sue,

What do you mean what is wrong with it you prat???
Can you not see that it is a sad attempt at a sig?
Do you not realise that people do not tend to liken their mates to something used to protect you from pregnancy or Genital warts? Sort it out.

Dear Lianne,...
People have a go at me because i dont quote. what is so imprtant about quoting anyway?
thank u

Dear Ching,
Not quoting is the silliest mistake of all when it comes to posting. If ( for example) someone posted something like this:

Hi everyone
My name is ellen and i am 15. i would like to know if anyone on this board likes slipknot or if anyone watches buffy? what about toby maguire? i like him.

........and then you replied with.

I do. yes.

......then everyone that is reading it is thinking "You do what????"...It could mean anything. Basically quoting is an act of politeness to make it easy for people to read. Do you know what polite means? Use your brain.

Please e-mail me with any questions...and be assured..I can help you.

By the way this is all fake..never email me....NEVERRR!

Seriously dont ever email me!
"Look after yourselves and each other"!