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The TOEBIES (and other randoms who get in the way of a good photo)
Check out the all of the beautiful people that hang out at toe!!

Ok, so I suppose I'm up first!! This is me.. me being gabs. I'm the girl, The guy in the middle is my ex-boyfreind who's a slutty fool. The guy on the right is Matt, he's cool. Unfortunatley this picture was taken in a smokey club which means noone of us are compleatly normal and the pictre has come out a bit shite. *Waves* hi everyone!

Right, this is me.... some of you will know me as Angel. On my holiday in Gran Canaria last year, with these guys I met that actually came from the same area as me. Freaky.

Me (Claire/bear/beast) doing what I do best...

Abby (adrdrefan/abbyzer0) - i think im becuming less of a lurker everyday. Oh and i luff dan :)

Right, me, Kate, now with sore lip. sorry about the crapness of this photo.

Hannah's picture is to go here. Soon. I promise.

This is the fittest Toer in the world. Without a doubt. Who is it? Yes, you've guessed it. It's me Skanky Toothpick. Woof, Woof! Foxy or wot? I like dog poo.

this is a newer pic of me, Lianne, aka Butiebutterfly!Looking like a right poser!

Fa's that oogly shite? It's Unday!

that, up there is rhi, i'nt she gorrrrrge ;)

It's Daisyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!

YES. Look! It's DiStUrBeDToMoZ! Feel his pAiN.

The real DiStUrBeD ToRmOz - not all that different from the drawing really...

This is 'Tragic Fortune' - real name??? The picture itself was titled 'redhell' - worrying! {g}

This is me, Dan (a.k.a. Darkstepper, a.k.a. Dansoft2000) and my new baby.... That is, my new computer. ;-)

PHWOAR! kirby *is* a jet! *prays kirby doesnt get the site address ;)

This is me (Toria) on the right after the (very cold and wet) island picnic this year (for those who don't know, basically, ritual humiliation for all under the age of 60) The girl on the left is Carol, she IS mad (the face painting kinda explained that didn't it?)

This is an average day on our school bus. Be afraid. Be VERY afraid.

Hahaha, its the bunny man, Dan aka will haven NIN

Ah yes, here is Shaunagh... and some guy called Dave (sorry I cut off your am btw) Looking lovely as always I'm sure. So erm... okay I'm ramblinbg now, I'd better shut up.

Disgraceful picture of me... Carrot/Claire, whatever. I'm 12 in this picture (I'm now 14) so age it two years or something... ::shrugs:: psssh..x


Siobhan, also known as clare1409 and her new screen name, SleepyKoalaSio. :)

Just a little something to keep you amused :-)