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Andy's first bloody rant..
I'm going to rant. Beware.
I'm completely and totally fed up with the newspapers now. The Daily Mail were whinging because the Government travel executive was away on holiday. So what? Aren't people allowed a holiday? Why are they blaming the government for the mess of the railways, when the government have no part in the running of Britain's railways? I'm not completely defending the government, as it was wrong to privatise something as important as the railways anyway, but the newspapers are being extremely biased. Grrar.

And George Bush is a fucking terrorist. Thank you and goodnight.

Fuck George Bush and his Government. Yes, I'm back foo's!
George Bush goes on as if Americans and Christians don't commit terrorism - BULLSHIT. In fact, there are more terrorist attacks committed by insane extremist Christian groups in other countries than any other religious fanatics will ever do. Only thing is, the western media don't tell us about it - thus, in our world it doesn't happen, because the Governments say it doesn't. Bring on 1984, eh? Do you see people in the west mourning for losses of people in africa and south america due to terrorist attacks and natural distasters? No, of course not. Because the media has no interest in it. And the only reason the Governments over here take interest, is because they see it as an oppertunity to give so called "aid" to these countries to make their citizens believe that the west is doing good.

I had better go. There's a black limo pulling up at my house. THEY WILL NEVER SILENCE ME. WINSTON SMITH KNEW THE SCORE. RAH!
A ranty poem..

An attack on the "Civilized World"
And such stuff.
How I loath to hear them moan
As their ego-given hate erupts

I listen to the country man's twisted
Mouthings off
Until I am so sick of the contradiction
That with murderous rage I spit and froth.

Yes, towers toppled and mothers mourn
For their lost.
And the cameraman tells the eager world
In such details over most.

Yet where is global sympathy over
Tortured distant landscapes?
No, the world believes what you tell them
I shall not silenced over your unacceptances.
Fuck ya'll. Naw, I kid, I kid, I'm just horribly bored and feeling rather strange. I don't feel like I'm in control of my mind anymore. Split personality? Perhaps, I mean, my head is forever making me focus on BAD things, thus in turn making me feel miserable. Does this make sense? Probably not. I should go pheck awf now. Thank you for your time.