The TOE 'Reg'ister...
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TOE has it's own community of regular posters - if you ever decide to pay us a visit (at aol keyword:TOE), then these are the people to look out for (in no particular order, apart from the fact i'm listed first)...

Hannah - That's me :) I've been a reg for nearly two years, and i'm *trying* to become a host, though it looks like it's not to be ::grumble grumble:: oh year, i'm 19, which makes me not only a goddess, but practically a pensioner in TOE years. Oh, and visit my site damn you ::cough::blatentplug!::cough:: Also, i'm currently obsessed with cadbury mini eggs. yummy :)

Kate [U8mymum] - If you've seen Kate's piccy on the beautiful people page you'll know she's a *very* sexy beast! {g} She's also a great friend to put up with my endless moaning about men, work, and er, men! :)

Bear [ClaireDaBearGrrr, LaLaPoopyPants (don't ask!), Beeaaasssstt] - I'm pretty sure Claire was a nice, good, innocent girl when i first met her a TOE - erm, things have somewhat changed since then, right miss bear? ::molests:: {g}current obsesion: weezer

Rhi [LeftTOENail] - She's the one riding the motorbike - she's *very* *very* cool ::nod:: and according to Bear a fantabulous agony aunt. Rhi and I created TOE Latin a while back, (asatwhcd qwodrc cxouyds qwnkthizx?) just to confuse people :)

Michelle [MichEdin] - Mich has to be about *the* most organised person at TOE, she arranged the christmas card address book thing, and she's also well known for being able to argue her cause {g}

Loretta - Two words: Brendan, Tristan. 'Nuff said. I was told to delete Luke, because although he *was* a previous obsession, he's well, a prick.

Dan (the man who can) [Dansoft2000] - Resident computer expert and TOE activist (you probably won't get to read most of his posts as half of them are deleted shortly after posting - bad boy!), see his picture on the photo page.

Abby [Adrdrefan] - Dan's ball and chain (are you two still married?). She disappeared for a while claiming she was leaving forever. They *all* come back in the end... Oh, and she likes caterpillars (?!?) She's not been around as much recently though :(

Andy (Pandy) [DestroyRealism] - Andy skillfully manages to be full up with teenage angst, without feeling the need to WrItE LiKe aN IdIoT. Another TOE activist, keeping the idiot posters in check. Andy and Vince have a tendency to start writing in 133t (or whatever), a language *completely* beyond my comprehension - rock on TOE Latin!!! Go and see his Rant Page for his view on life.

Vince [Vmdsales6] - a.k.a Dale. Haven't seen him around for a while, but he helped lead a revolution a while back (TOEbies revolt) and is one of those people who always seems to know what he's talking about. He also has a thang for oriental girls with bizarre name. don't ask.

Skankymankylankyplanky (a.k.a. Helen) [CyberGothSpank, SkankyToothpick] - Skanky started a huge argument about two years ago about something stupid (probably milk {g}) and has been pretty harsh most of us at one point or another, but i reckon she's softening in her old age. It is kinda fuuny to watch the newbies take her all too seriously though... She's the gorgeous looking dog on the photo page. She's at uni though at the mo, so you're only likley to catch her around holiday times, or when she's skiving off lectures {g}

Liz [BlurredSilver] - a.k.a Lyra 1 (Bear being Lyra 2) due to a slight obsession with the His Dark Materials trilogy. She's Skanky's lil' sis (16) and you all have to visit this website without fail and buy some fantabulous knickers. NOW! ~~~>

Kat - Kat, who is (sweet?) 16, would like to say a big hello to all the (gorgeous) TOEbies and a Merry Christmas to all. NB: if you're reading this after Christmas, and i'm unlikley to update this any time soon, Merry Christmas for next year, okays?

Lianne [OopsieDaisie,Butiebutterfly] - Another 19 year old (whoo!) who's posted her mug for all to see on the pictures page. She told me to tell you about her perverse interest in holey, wooly socks, but i think i'm just gonna leave it at that :) Update: Lianne is leavig us to move to manchester - we'll miss you hon x

Ian [NicolaJane1] - Ian's one of the long time regs, so nowadays we only see him inbetween uni terms (he's a lit student and Royal Holloway) :( he's also the black sheep uncle of TOE (baaaaaad boy {g})

Toria - Toria is very mouldy and lives in the middle of nowhere she's totally a very cool person :)

Jenny [JellyBabe] - She's not been around long, but she's one of the nice new peeps who hasn't slagged anyone off yet, has a totally gorgeous sig and will probably make it to the old people's home that is 'oldbie-dom'. does that make *any* sense to any who isn't me? Like me she undersands that RDJ is clearly very gorgeous, ad she's also obsessedwith Jill Scott - this will become obvious after you've seen her sigs.

Weez [UKHostWeez] - Weez is our way cool, anime obsessed host with many hair colours and several websites that put my limited html skills to shame :( She's disappeared off to uni too, though when she's around she posts a lot on the tv boards i think. l-o-n-g anime related conversations that i don't understand.

Shaunagh - Shaunagh is leaving us v soon, she's a 'victim' of technology and she's moving to broadband, lucy for some. Originally a weird q's reg, before it got taken over :(

Lucy [itslucyr] - Creater of the totally kewl utimate TOE CD (out now!) she'll hopefully be around for the ultimate TOE CD part II - we hope...

IM - IM has been around *forever*! he's the original TOE organiser, the sig comps just aren't the same without him {g} he's not around as often as we'd like, but you'll recognise his monochrome style if he's posting.

Gav [UKGav, MonkFish] - Another oldbie, who keeps starting crazes, let's just call him chief lemming {g} - oh, and he's drunk. probably.

Minx [UKHostMinx] - Kit Kat Chunky obsessed Minx is our current announcements host, so beware! Only kidding, she *must* be a saint for putting up with us all :)

Emma [Tiyuri m] - Another old one {g} who's off at uni being clever, but still finding time to pop in inbetween studenty stuff. And her sigs are *always* gorgeous.

I'm still working on this, so don't be offended if you're not listed yet :)