This 'n That
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News, Views and Bloody Rants

RAAAAAAA! ::jumps out from behind chair:: Welcome one and all to the frabtabulous page known as 'This 'n That'. Here will be a place where you can find out what's going on, who's arguing, and why we all hate AOL... So read on to find out more...

General Crap etc...

So TOE is back to normal and the anouncement board is a/s/l post free!!!!! THe web boards seem to have fupped up :/ and poor old skanky (how we miss her ;)) can't post, we can only see her sig! This must be killing her ::laughs evily:: What else, what else? Ah THere is a new sig contest under I'll count up the votes on monday and announce a winner! The ilusive IM has reappeared I'm not sure how long this is for though, I've also spotted Ian around! Liannne Has left and she will be very much missed, I think Shaunagh off soon as well :( they'll be back, you can never escape the outer edge! (TOE)

This Week I Shall Mostly be Worshipping...

The mark all read button, for the simple reason that it is being used so frequently on my computer at the moment.

Carrot's Competion Corner!

::trumpets, drumrolls etc.:: Well since the post of the week thing has vanished (along with many other things) I'm going to start one up here amongst other things so...

Post of the week!UM This is going to no one because well none of you deserve it :p

Person of the week!Kate, 'cause she got her tongue pierced! woo!

Sig of the week! Ummm... Ms. silver, well done dude

TOE is feeling rather...

Some FOOL fupped up TOE! The current mood of at

Watch this space 'cause they'll be something new here soon... possibly

This has nothing to do with TOE but I don't care!

Hope you enjoyed the site! to contact us with suggestions of ways to improve it (or just to tell us how darn great we are!) just drop us a line in our guest book!