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Welcome To the TOE Homepage!!!
Hi everyone :) This the TOEbies homepage. Basically this is a site for those who reside at 'The Outer Edge (TOE)', a most superb message board found (unfortunately) on AOL.

The main purpose of this site is to allow us to display pictures of our beautiful selves and show off our stunning TOE living room (See above links) - but there's other stuff here as well, so pull up a chair and have a good luck around :)


TOE has seemingly dissapeared - hopefully for only a coupla days, but i thought i'd take the opportunity to introduce a notice board style thing to the site. Post away people :)

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Hannah's Editorial Column!
08.01.2002 Whoop! i'm claiming back this blurb bit - well, for this week anyway :) So, what *is* there to talk about?? Carrot's This 'n' That Page seems to have covered recent goings on in TOE, so, i'm going to make this all about me :) me self absorbed? c'mon, i can see how excited you all are:

I think we'll skim over the romance side (for now) and instead land neatly in the hell that is a levels. exams this month, courswork next month and a probable nervous breakdown the month after when it all has to be handed in. well on the brighter side of life, my first choice uni offered me a conditional place (AAB - no slacking off here folks). i'm gonna be a lawyer, but no, not the next ally mcbeal, i prefer to think of myself as the next miranda from the soon to be returning to our screens sex and the city. y'know, successful, good hair, great sex...

i digress. anyway, this would hardly be an editorial if i didn't relate to the site just a little bit. here goes. the new go see pages here in TOEbie land are: Rhi's fantastic (if not rather confusing {g}) TOE latin, go and see if you can figure it out. i've already mentioned the This 'n' That Page, and of course there's Andy's Rant Page, and no, it's not all about the MoShErS at TOE - it's quite entertaining really :)

I'm sure there's loads i've missed, and don't forget to sign the guestbook etc...

Ciao for now, Hannah

Some toes!!!!!!!!
By the way, 14098 fantabulous people have seen our page...


What's the buzz tell me what's a happening...
MWahahahahahahaha... this column has been moved... you can now find it (ok so it's no exactly the same coloumn) located on This 'n' That... Have fun.

If you're a fantabulous TOEbie that has added to the site - tell us about it! The updates page has now been added and can be viewed by clicking the link at the top of the page.

Now sponsored by the country's favourite tabloid newspaper, The Sun.

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